Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Recorder Order Form Grade 3/4

Student Recorder Order Form: 

Dear Parents: The Grade 3/4 students will be playing the recorder this year.  They have the opportunity to purchase their own recorder, student book and practice CD. When students have the book and practice CD, they’ll practice more, sound better, and they will achieve better results on the recorder. The package consists of a good quality recorder that contains no harmful plastic (safety tested), a student book and a practice CD. 

If you wish to purchase the package that is offered through the school please fill out the form and return it to your classroom teacher with cash for the appropriate amount. Cheques will not be accepted. This will greatly cut down on photocopying and allow for your child to practice at home.   We will be using the Complete Recorder Resource Kit by Denise Gagne. Please return this form by Feb. 17thas that is when I will be putting the order in.

Complete Package: Recorder / Book / CD $10 _______

I own a recorder and just want the book/CD: $5 _________

I just need the recorder: $7 _____


Mrs. Coulson
Please email if you have any questions jabaine@cbe.ab.ca

Students name: _____________________________

Homeroom teacher: _________________________ 

Students who do not purchase the package, will be loaned a recorder, these will not go home.

Feb. 10/11


  1. Continued Seven Feet of Snow
  2. Valentines Songs and Games

Grade 1/2

  1. Valentines songs and games
Grade 3/4

  1. Continued learning of the notes on the staff through games

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Feb. 3/4


We have finished Seven Feet of Snow and we are going to continue to practice it because there is some really tricky parts!

We learned about Groundhog Day and sang an echo song. We also made up our own movements and funky dances.

Grade 1/2

  1. Practiced sight rhythms and were reminded of a half note
  2. Practiced sight singing using solfage (sol, mi, do)
  3. Played the xylophones
    1. we invented our own accompaniment using the notes C and D 
    2. Performed an ostinato (repeating pattern)


Grade 3/4 

1. Refreshed our memories on the 5-Line Staff and the note names on the spaces
2. Learned the note names for the lines 
3. Played note name twister!!