Monday, March 30, 2020


Hi guys,

Thank you so much to the students who are sending me videos of the music they are working on at home. I love hearing you play instruments or singing me short clips.  Please feel free to keep those coming!!


Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Peace Song For You!

Hi guys,

I miss you all so much!  Here is one of the peace songs we did a couple of years ago.  It is called Nothing More by Alternate Routes.  I can't wait to sing it with you when we are back together!

Love Mrs Coulson

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 9 and 10


I am so proud of the Kindergarten students.  They did an amazing job on their Celebrations of Learning.  They sang out and nailed their actions, they grew in confidence and performance.

As this is Read-A-Thon week we began class with a Robert Munsch story, Mmm Cookies.

We used the drums, tambourines, shakers, woodblocks and Boomwhackers to bring this book to life.

Did you know Robert Munsch is a Canadian Author?

We finished off class with some action songs to get our bodies moving!

Grade 1/2 

As this is Read-A-Thon week we began class with a Robert Munsch story, Mmm Cookies. (SEE PICTURE ABOVE)

Keeping with the theme of cookies we played the Cookie Jar game.  This game is a favorite for sure.  The students enjoy pretending and using silly voices.

Grade 3/4

The excitement is real!! We have begun recorders!!  The students brought home their recorders this week.  I am keeping the books until next week because we are going to begin using them next week.

Please make sure that after you practice at home that your recorder goes back into your backpack so that you don't forget to bring it back to school!!!

Homework!! (yes you get homework on the recorder - you only get better if you practice)

Practice tonguing - instead of blowing into the recorder, whisper the word doo doo doo.  This is all the air you need to make a beautiful sound on the recorder.  With your left hand on top, cover the back hole with your thumb and top hole with your pointer finger to play the note B.