Monday, April 13, 2020

Listening Art Lesson 2

Hi guys!  Here is an OPTIONAL listening and art music lesson.  I loved seeing your IRIS posts with your artwork from the last one.

Materials: Visual Journal and anything you would like to use to create your piece of artwork

Source: Four Seasons - Spring by Vivaldi (please note this is a link to Youtube and I have no control over  the ads or the comments on the video)

Time: 30 mins or as long as you want if you listen to it a few times!

Task:  Step 1: Find a blank page to work on and get your art supplies readying your comfy cosy spot

          Step 2: Decide which music you are going to listen to.  I am suggesting Spring by Vivaldi

          Step 3: Listen to the piece!!!

          Step 4: When you're ready, start creating your picture.  You can draw pictures or just use

                       lines/dots.  Whatever comes to mid.

          Step 5: I want you to listen to the Tempo of the song (speed). Is it fast or slow? Does it change.      

                     throughout? Try using the Tempo words on the chart below somewhere on your picture.

                     If you think the piece is mostly fast you might want to write the work presto, if you
                     think it's mostly slow you might write the word Largo.

          Step 6: If you would like to share your art with me, post it in IRIS and tag me!

Thanks guys! Have a musical day!

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